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The Ascendancy of Social Commerce: A New Era of Retail Media and Marketing

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Unpacking the Concept of Social Commerce

Social commerce is the amalgamation of eCommerce and social media, crafting a digital space where shopping is seamlessly integrated into the natural flow of social interaction. This revolutionary model permits a smooth transition from scrolling to purchasing, all within a user’s favored social platforms.

Market Size and Predictions

Financial forecasts for social commerce are striking. Anticipated to reach a staggering $1.95 trillion by 2026, the market size of social commerce underscores a growing consumer shift towards social media as a retail hub. Extended forecasts suggest a climb beyond $6 trillion by 2030, signifying the continually evolving dynamics of retail.

eCommerce Brands and Consumer Engagement

Progressive eCommerce brands are capitalizing on social commerce’s capabilities to tap into a broad, active user base. This strategic move goes beyond driving sales. It’s about integrating brands into the daily lives of consumers, thereby nurturing a more profound connection that transcends traditional online shopping experiences.

The Importance of Social Commerce

With over 4.5 billion social media users globally, social commerce is expanding at a pace faster than traditional eCommerce. This growth is largely fueled by the creator economy, where influencers have become pivotal in shaping purchasing decisions, especially among Millennials and Gen Z. These shifts represent not just a change in how people shop but where and who they trust. This landscape shift makes social commerce a critical focus for modern eCommerce strategies.

Expanded Audience Reach

With billions of people using social media worldwide, the potential customer base for social commerce is enormous. This massive audience provides an unprecedented opportunity for brands to expand their reach and connect with new markets.

Frictionless Shopping Experience

By minimizing the steps from discovery to purchase, social commerce platforms reduce friction and simplify the buying process. This ease can encourage spontaneous purchases and can lead to higher conversion rates.

Credibility via Social Proof

Social commerce platforms are perfect for generating and displaying social proof, such as reviews and recommendations. These play a critical role in the purchasing decisions of potential buyers.

Increased Sales

Social commerce is proving to be a significant revenue driver. The convenience and integrated nature of social commerce make it a lucrative complement to traditional eCommerce strategies.


How Does Social Commerce Work?

Social commerce merges eCommerce with social media, creating a shopping experience integrated into users’ everyday online interactions. It starts with product discovery, often triggered by engaging content shared by brands, influencers, or users. When users find an appealing product in their social feed, they can easily click on it, redirecting them to the product page.

On the product page, users find detailed information, images, and user-generated content like reviews, all within the same platform. This eliminates the need to visit external websites, streamlining the experience. For purchases, social commerce platforms often offer in-app checkout options, simplifying transactions. This frictionless journey from discovery to purchase is at the core of social commerce.

The Evolution of Social Commerce

The journey of social commerce has seen various phases, from early experiments to the present-day fusion of commerce and social media.

Social Commerce: Before

In the earlier stages of social commerce, the landscape was vastly different from what we see today. It began with the simple integration of “Buy Now” buttons on social media platforms. However, these redirected users to the merchant’s website to complete their purchase, resulting in a disjointed shopping experience.

Social Commerce: Now

Fast forward to the present, and social commerce has undergone a profound transformation. It’s no longer just about facilitating transactions but creating an entire shopping ecosystem within social media platforms.

Social Commerce: Next

Looking ahead, the evolution of social commerce is set to continue. The future promises even more immersive experiences, with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) likely to play significant roles.

Features of Social Commerce

Social commerce is rapidly transforming the way we think about online shopping. Here, we’ll explore some of the most exciting and influential aspects of social commerce today.

Live Shopping

Live shopping combines the immediacy of live streaming with the convenience of online shopping.

Shoppable Photos and Videos

Visual content on many social media sites has evolved from mere engagement tools to shoppable experiences.

Shoppable Ads

Shoppable ads are a game-changer in targeted advertising.

Product Showcase

Social media platforms are becoming virtual showrooms where brands can display their products in a dynamic, interactive environment.

Direct Creator Collabs

Collaborations between brands and social media creators are at the heart of a successful social commerce strategy.


Product launches on social media channels are now events in their own right.


The integration of checkout processes directly within social media platforms marks a significant advancement in social commerce.


Comparing Solutions in Social Commerce

Explore various social commerce platforms by delving into more than just storefront integration. The real distinctions emerge in the advanced engagement features and unique user experiences.

Instagram Shop

Instagram Shop leverages the platform’s visual-centric approach, making it a compelling platform for brands with visually appealing products.

Facebook Shop

Facebook Shops was created to help businesses and shoppers adapt to the new digital reality.

TikTok Shop

The TikTok/Shopify partnership opens the door for brands and creators to monetize the viral video platform with an integrated shopping experience.


Snapchat began testing social shopping options in 2018 with partnerships with Amazon and Shopify.

Social Commerce Trends

Expanding your presence in the ever-evolving landscape of social commerce means keeping a finger on the pulse of emerging trends and technologies.

People Engage with More AR Experiences

Augmented Reality (AR) is becoming a game-changer in the world of social commerce.

Video Shopping Takes Center Stage

Video content has always been a powerful tool for engaging audiences, but in the realm of social commerce, it’s gaining even more prominence.

Sustainability and Ethical Shopping

Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental and ethical impact of their purchases.

Gen Z and Social Commerce

Gen Z refers to anyone who was born between 1997 and 2012. They are the first generation of true Digital Natives. They’ve never known a time when ordering takeout online, sending WhatsApp messages to a friend or FaceTiming their family wasn’t possible. They are the first generation that is active and available for almost 24 hours a day.

Gen Z’s Use of Devices Continues to Increase

Gen Z’s use of devices continues to increase. Recent data revealed that 98% of them own a smartphone and that in the third quarter of last year, they averaged more than 4 hours a day on apps — and that figure doesn’t include gaming time.

Gen Z and Influencers

Gen Z shows strong interest in accounts that align with their interests — or that introduce them to new ones.

Preparing for Success in the Social Commerce Landscape

The increasing complexity of the social commerce ecosystem means there’s no simple or singular path to navigate. However, this evolving landscape is full of new opportunities for agile brands that dig deep, embrace the complexity, and realize that this new reality makes marketing more core to their business model than ever.

Understand your Customers

Knowing your customers has always been an important aspect of successful marketing. Now it’s more critical than ever.

Turn your Customers into Advocates

The rise of social commerce means that all commerce is social.

Take a Full-Spectrum Influencer Approach

Remember, it’s trust that drives validation, not size, so avoid falling into the trap of focusing only on big names or micro-influencers.

The Role of Influencers in Social Commerce

The rise in paid social ads and the performance of boosted influencer content is further evidence that the trust and validation influencers provide can drive sales in a way that branded content doesn’t. If you’re not leveraging influencers as a source of validation, even for paid ads, you may as well be running banner ads — which today’s consumers just view as noise.


The new maxim for the post-pandemic e-commerce age is that all commerce is social commerce. Some brands, businesses, and creators are better positioned than others to maximize the opportunities in this burgeoning landscape. However, the real social commerce success will come from understanding your customers, leveraging influencer relationships for trust and validation, and being willing to experiment on emerging networks.

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Tim Lloyd | Executive Editor

The Media Guides were established by Tim, a digital marketing & advertising professional based in Sydney, Australia. See Full Bio >

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